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Compassionate Pet Care

Pet Allergy and Skin Care

Cat scratching

Let’s talk about itchy skin. The most common reason for pets to visit us is due to itchiness, and just like their human counterparts, there are all kinds of reasons for a pet to be itchy. Some common culprits include food allergies, environmental allergies (also known as atopy), or fleas. This itching can escalate and make our furry friends miserable. The great news is, we can help! With in-house hospital testing available, we can find the source of your pet’s discomfort.

Fleas Are Not Your Friend!

Fleas are tiny and often hide in the fur coat of our furry friends. We often don’t even notice them. So even when you think fleas aren’t an issue, they might be. Flea allergy originates from the flea’s saliva, and only a few bites could cause a reaction in your pet. Your pet’s scratching can make finding the fleas harder, as adults are removed by the scratching and young, harder-to-see fleas remain.

During the winter, the home creates a warm environment that allows fleas to survive, despite the cold temperatures outside. This is especially true in the Pacific Northwest.

Many veterinarians begin with a complete flea allergy work up, because flea allergy is so common. It is always possible that an allergic reaction needs only year-round complete flea treatment to remove your pet’s discomfort.

  • We’ll work with you to find the best options to help prevent these pests from inhabiting your pets.
  • Even though you may not see a flea, all it can take is one bite for pets to become extremely itchy and uncomfortable.

Food Allergies

How do we find out if your furry friend has a food allergy? Since allergies can develop from many different foods (such as proteins, carbohydrates, or even dyes and preservatives), we don’t have a single accurate blood or skin test to determine if your pet has a food allergy. We incorporate a process called a food trial that replaces the food your pet normally eats with a carefully selected diet. It can be prescription-based or hypoallergenic, and only contains food your pet has not eaten before. If the allergy signs resolve, we return to their former diet to check whether the allergic reaction returns. If it does, we know your pet is dealing with a food allergy.

What do you look for in a food allergy in your pet?

Symptoms can include:

  • Chronic ear infection
  • Itchiness to the belly and feet
  • Chronic food sensitivities that might include vomiting and diarrhea

Some of the common allergens we often see:

  • Chicken
  • Lamb
  • Beef
  • Dairy
  • Fish

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We initially focus on secondary infections first to best alleviate your pet’s discomfort, then adjust and monitor diet to get to the source of the allergy. Dr. Burris will discuss plans for your pet’s long-term diet and wellness needs.

Environmental Allergies

Environmental allergies can cause pets to be extremely itchy and uncomfortable. That is why it’s important to treat the underlying infections first, by tackling the yeast and bacteria. Treatments are available in many forms, such as oral antibiotics, shampoos, topical sprays, and more. Depending on your pet’s needs, we also have some great medication options available. Once the itch is conquered and the skin is cleared, we can come up with a long-term solution to prevent infections from recurring.


Symptoms can include:

  • Chronic ear infection
  • Itchiness on the belly or feet
  • Chronic coughing
  • Eye Irritation

Common Allergens include:

  • Trees
  • Grass
  • Pollen
  • Fleas
  • Dust Mites
  • Storage Mites

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Our focus is to make our pets comfortable by lessening the severity of their itchiness. When they scratch, they often accidentally damage their skin, which opens them up to infection. We have access to great new medications like the injectable Cytopoint and chewable Apoquel to help with our friends’ discomfort.

What Sets Us Apart in Allergy and Skin Care?

Like many pet parents, Dr. Burris has owned a pet that suffered from many typical food and environmental allergies. Because of this, she understands how stressful and frustrating it can be to get a diagnosis to find the source of a pet's discomfort. As a veterinarian and pet parent herself, it is her goal to remove that uncertainty for other pet owners and provide allergy relief for her patients. We’re here to help every step of the way!

Contact us at (503) 498-8506 to schedule your next appointment.